Why do some people drink tea and lose sleep, and some people don't?

We often say that the tea can be refreshing, in fact, can soothe the nerves.

The six major teas perform their duties, such as green tea, yellow tea and other lightly fermented teas, because the content of caffeine contained in the tea itself will stimulate the nerves, exciting, and thus refreshing and refreshing effect. However, there is relatively little caffeine in fully fermented tea leaves. 

For some tea friends who are prone to insomnia, if you want to drink tea at night, it is recommended to start with dark tea.

You can brew a cup of aged dark tea with a Menpao method. Start brewing tea for about 3 minutes and pouring it out, then re-brewing tea and drinking it. In this way, a large amount of caffeine in the tea has been decomposed into the tea soup in the first 3 minutes. 

In addition, drinking dark tea at night can make people sleep better, mainly because it is rich in theanine.

Theanine has the effect of calming and calming the nerves and protecting the nerve cells of the brain, which can counteract and coordinate the excitement caused by caffeine. 

Therefore, drinking aged dark tea does not affect sleep, but improves sleep quality, can prevent insomnia, neurasthenia and so on.

In addition to the aged dark tea, drinking old white tea can also make us sleep better.

Unlike aged dark tea, white tea is lightly fermented tea, but old white tea will slowly convert caffeine during the post-fermentation process, and its theanine content is also very rich. 

The amino acid content of white tea is about 2.6%-4.5%, and theanine accounts for about 50%.

According to the data, theanine will increase with the increase of white tea grade.

For example, the amino acid content of Shoumei is 2.11%, the amino acid content of first-grade white peony is 2.70%, and the content of amino acid of super white peony is 4.03%. 

It is enough to see why the old white tea is higher in grade, so the better it is to sleep.

Tea lovers who are prone to insomnia should also pay attention to controlling the amount of tea to drink when drinking tea at night. If the tea friend is not at ease, do not drink tea for two hours before going to bed.

For some tea friends who drink tea but do not sleep well, Xiao Bian specially asked the prestigious Chinese physician. 

The prestigious Chinese physician say that each person's physique is different. Some people are naturally sensitive to caffeine. Once you run into it, it is easy to lose sleep.

If this kind of tea friend wants to improve the situation, then only drink more tea and adapt. When the body is accustomed to caffeine and loses acuity, it will not drink tea and lose sleep. 

This is also the reason why some people who do not drink tea will lose sleep well once they start drinking tea. Because the body does not develop habits, it naturally responds.

In addition to the above, there is also a kind of tea friend who can not sleep well with drinking tea. It is purely a psychological burden for himself.

These tea friends often conclusion for themselves before they start drinking tea: I will not sleep well when I drink tea. After constantly giving myself psychological hints, time passed slowly, and couldn’t sleep. 

Finally, it is recommended that tea lovers scientifically drink tea, choose the right tea, and choose the right tea. 

Everyone is welcome to chat on the message board, those who have not slept due to drinking tea~


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