Oolong tea, where does its fragrance come from?

Studies show that aroma substances in tea accounts for only 0.01% to 0.05% by weight of the dry tea, it can be described as "negligible".

In oolong tea, the scent is different, and the formation of various aromas is traceable. The main clues are:

  1. Tea variety
  2. Tea origin
  3. Picking season
  4. Production process

Tea raw materials of fragrant varieties

In general, the medium and small leaf kind of tea is higher than the material content of large-leafed tea aroma.

In oolong tea, there are many small and medium-sized leaf species, and the aromaticity of their raw materials is relatively high, so the finished tea is naturally fragrant very strong.

Although the big leaf tea tree itself has less aroma substances, it can have a unique and charming aroma as long as it is produced through a special process.

The unique fragrance planted in the raw material producing area

The same tea tree varieties, grown in different regions and different environments, it will be can create different aromas.

The amount of aroma substances contained in tea leaves is actually decisions by the cultivation method of tea trees and the maturity of harvesting.

Tea cultivation in good ecological conditions or good management of tea garden areas, can produce rich tea aroma substances.

Oolong tea is semi-fermented tea.

Semi-fermented tea, the most important source of aroma, is in the mature leaves itself the aroma substances can be in the production process, resulting in a new aroma substance, tea aroma is increasing.

Picking season incense

In oolong tea, there is a frequently used adjective: "Spring Shui Qiuxiang".

Spring season is usually damp and the sunshine time is relatively short. Therefore, the aroma of Oolong tea Spring tea will not be particularly high, and it is an elegant and restrained character;

However, the taste of the tea soup will be better and more mellow, which is the saying of "Chun Shui".

Autumn season is often dry, after a summer of Oolong tea Autumn tea, accumulate enough energy, aroma is high and rich, commonly known as "Qiu Xiang."

The side shows that even in the same variety, the same place of origin, the aroma substances contained in the tea will vary with the seasonal climate.

Fragrance produced by the craft

When making oolong tea, the fresh leaves picked up will undergo a number of steps such as Solar withering, Indoor oxidation and shaking, Tumble-heating, Primary rolling, Hot mass rolling, Advanced drying, etc., in order to finally form a unique and high aroma.

In this process, there are many factors that affect the aroma of tea, such as whether sunlight withering, tea Leaves moisture content case, how the rolling process is, and so on.

Among them, "sunlight withering" is the key to making oolong tea.

The radiant energy of sunlight promotes the conversion of the contained matter and the formation of aroma, which cannot be replaced by the withering of the machine.


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