2024 Anji Golden Leaf Spring Tea in a bowl.
Anji Golden Leaf
Anji Golden Leaf
Anji Golden Leaf
Anji Golden Leaf

Feuille d'or d'Anji


Encounter a heart-warming tea container, taking a sip or two of light and elegant tea in the middle of a busy schedule; between touch and vision, clearly comprehend heaven, earth and people of nature and ingenuity.

Lester: Échantillon 10g

Échantillon 10g
50 grammes

Frequently Bought Together

Total price:$100.54
  • Chinois : ān jí bái chá huáng jīn yè
  • Traduction : Feuille d'or Anji Bai Cha
  • Type : Thé vert
  • Cultivar : Anji Bai Cha
  • Origine : Anji, Huzhou, Zhejiang
  • Date de récolte : 18/03/2022
  • Méthodes de stockage : réfrigération, étanchéité, étanche à l'humidité, éviter la lumière.
  • Durée de conservation : 18 mois
  • Méthode d'infusion dans une tasse en verre : le rapport entre le thé vert et le thé est de 1:50, et une tasse en verre d'environ 300 ml peut verser 5 g de thé ;
  • Versez de l'eau dans la tasse (la température de l'eau est de 80 ~ 85 ° C), versez-la lentement le long de la paroi de la tasse et laissez les feuilles de thé s'infiltrer complètement. La vitesse d'injection de l'eau ne doit pas être trop rapide.
  • Attendez 3 à 5 minutes, et vous pouvez boire la délicieuse soupe au thé vert, puis lorsque vous buvez 1/3 de la tasse de thé, vous pouvez remplir à nouveau l'eau, généralement infuser trois fois.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Seungweon Ahn


Eric Yee
Double UP

Excellent taste for green tea.

Daniel Roy
Very satisfied with a shopping experience

The dry tea is complete and clean, the color is golden yellow and the buds and leaves are fresh and tender. It is indeed a very good tea. After opening the package, you can smell a very strong orchid tea fragrance. After brewing, the color is golden and bright, and the taste is still so strong. After a sip, it tastes fresh and sweet, and the aftertaste is obvious. After drinking, the mouth is full of a strong tea fragrance. Very good.

Linda Appel
Golden Buds are authentic

The color of the soaked buds and leaves is golden and tender, the soup color is also very clean, the orchid fragrance is rich, and it can be brewed four or five times, and the tea fragrance is still strong. After drinking, there is a fresh tea fragrance in the mouth, which is very satisfying.

Sweet and perfect leaves

I'm grateful that I have received this year's new tea without delay even though we have some disruption in international logistics due to COVID-19.
I'm very happy with the beautiful leaves and enjoyed full of umami taste. Thank you.