Jasmine Silver Needle tea leaves with jasmine flowers, 2024 spring harvest.
Jasmine Silver Needle
Jasmine Silver Needle
Jasmine Silver Needle
Jasmine Silver Needle
Jasmine Silver Needle
Jasmine Silver Needle

Jasmin Silver Needle Frühlingstee


Encounter a heart-warming tea container, taking a sip or two of light and elegant tea in the middle of a busy schedule; between touch and vision, clearly comprehend heaven, earth and people of nature and ingenuity.

Gewicht: Probe 10g

Probe 10g
50 g

Frequently Bought Together

Total price:$222.09 $200.71
  • Chinesisch: mò lì yín zhēn
  • Übersetzung: Jasmine Silver Needles
  • Typ: Dufttee
  • Sorte: Fuding Silver Needle White Tea (Baihao Yinzhen)
  • Herkunft: Hengxian, Guangxi
  • Erntedatum: 28.04.2022
  • Lagerungsmethoden: Kühlung, Versiegelung, feuchtigkeitsfest, Licht vermeiden
  • Haltbarkeit: 18 Monate
  • Verwenden Sie ein transparentes Glas und regulieren Sie die Teemenge nach Ihrem persönlichen Geschmack. Das Verhältnis von Tee zu Wasser beträgt in der Regel 1:50.
  • Gießen Sie nach dem Gießen des Tees kochendes Wasser bei 90-100 Grad, die Brühzeit beträgt ca. 3-5 Minuten und kann 2-3 Mal gebrüht werden.
  • Nachdem Sie den Duft gerochen haben, warten Sie, bis die Temperatur geeignet ist, trinken Sie ihn in kleinen Schlucken und spüren Sie den weichen und frischen Geschmack von Jasmintee.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Larry Liu
Great jasmine tea

Very nice flavor and scent for Jasmine tea. Will recommend it for sure!

Mild and fragrant

I decided to give the white tea a shot, as it's a little less likely to stain teeth. It's milder than my usual green, but still has the delicate, floral aroma and flavor. A thoroughly enjoyable cuppa! I'll be buying this again.

Absolutely perfect tea!

I love tea, I love trying new teas and this was a new one for me. When I opened the bag I got that wonderful green tea leaf smell. I brewed a cup up. It came out a beautiful golden green color. The aroma coming off it was a sweet fruity peachy smell. I took a sip and it flowed smoothly over my tongue. It tastes a slight fruit green tea. I added a little sugar and the fruit notes opened up a little more but didn't overwhelm the wonderful taste of green tea. They are right, this is one everyone should have on hand in their kitchens at all times. This would be really good with a light breakfast or with a snack between meals. The health benefits alone should make you want to try it. It lowers your risk of cancer, lowers your blood pressure, lowers your bad ldl cholesterol, keeps your heart healthy, and help p s with weight management. I will definitely be keeping this one on hand in my kitchen. I did receive this product at a reduced price in exchange for an honest review.

Johanna Soto
If you enjoy Jasmine tea you need to try this tea.

This is excellent jasmine tea. It is better than some of the more expensive jasmine teas.

Leann C.
Relax and enjoy!

Pleasing aroma and soothing flavor makes for a relaxing cup of tea experience.