Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan
Ink Painting Gaiwan

Tuschemalerei Gaiwan Set

$235.55 $157.68 SAVE 33%

Encounter a heart-warming tea container, taking a sip or two of light and elegant tea in the middle of a busy schedule; between touch and vision, clearly comprehend heaven, earth and people of nature and ingenuity.

Frequently Bought Together

Total price:$312.97 $224.70
  • Material: Talg-Jade-Porzellan
  • Prozess: Hochtemperaturbrand
  • Gaiwan: 8,6 x 7,5 cm, Fassungsvermögen 120 ml.
  • Gong Dao Bei: 9,0 x 9,2 cm, Fassungsvermögen 220 ml.
  • Teetasse: 5,9 x 6,0 cm, Fassungsvermögen 50 ml.
  • Tragbare Ledertasche: D12,0 x 11,3 cm.
  • Um den alten Porzellanherstellungsprozess fortzusetzen, sind zehn manuelle Arbeitsgänge erforderlich, um Zutaten herzustellen, Schlamm zu raffinieren, Knüppel herzustellen, Knüppel zu reparieren sowie zu glasieren und zu brennen, und jeder Schritt wird sorgfältig überlegt.
  • Porzellanmasse, selbsterzeugte unglasierte Glasur, Tausende von Kilometern Flüsse und Berge, passende Farbtöne.
  • Schaffett-Jade-Porzellan, Tinte "Tausend Meilen von Flüssen und Bergen", nationaler Stil, modische Aufbewahrungstasche, stoßfest und tragbar, mit internen und externen Reparaturen. und eleganter Reim.
  • Ein Topf und drei Tassen, integriertes Aufbewahrungsdesign.
  • Die Form des Gefäßes ist rund, das Porzellan fett wie Jade, durchsichtig und feucht, die Finger sind deutlich zu erkennen.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Affordable Elegance

The set comes with lid that has cute handle, a tea towel to catch the drip, frosted and clear porcelain with delicate Ink Painting, and the individually secured packaging truly makes this an excellent purchased. The secured packaging this item came with, will only need a fancy wrapper as a gift should one wish to give; I love them so much.

Better quality than expected for price

If you DON'T know gong fu brewing, don't get a "mini" set like this. Wanted something new for my office and have tea bags, steeping basket, and now this very affordable gong fu set. I was surprised my the size of the cups and weight. I love the aesthetic! This purchase is a bargain!

Great Set! Perfect size

For those of you saying its too small, you've probably never drank tea the Gung fu way. Cups are supposed to be small usually between 20 and 50 ML its supposed to help you enjoy the tea more. this one is about 50ml. this set is perfect for work, I usually enjoy a pot of tea after lunch and this is the perfect size.


i was looking for something larger but I could not resist its beauty, the design is so delicate and understated


Delicate decorations and nice brewing, slightly smaller than some other gaiwans.
It’s elegant, I love it!