Golden Chrysanthemum flower on a white plate, suitable for brewing scented tea.
Golden Chrysanthemum
Golden Chrysanthemum
Golden Chrysanthemum
Golden Chrysanthemum
Golden Chrysanthemum
Golden Chrysanthemum
Golden Chrysanthemum
Golden Chrysanthemum

Goldene Chrysantheme


Encounter a heart-warming tea container, taking a sip or two of light and elegant tea in the middle of a busy schedule; between touch and vision, clearly comprehend heaven, earth and people of nature and ingenuity.

Gewicht: 2 Glühbirne

2 Glühbirne
10 Glühbirne
20 Glühbirne
30 Glühbirne

Frequently Bought Together

Total price:$101.81
  • Chinesisch: jīn sī huáng jú
  • Übersetzung: Goldene Chrysantheme
  • Typ: Dufttee
  • Sorte: Chrysantheme
  • Herkunft: Jiujiang, Jiangxi
  • Erntedatum: 04.06.2022
  • Lagerungsmethoden: Kühlung, Versiegelung, feuchtigkeitsfest, Licht vermeiden
  • Haltbarkeit: 18 Monate
  • Nehmen Sie eine goldene Seidenchrysantheme, geben Sie sie in eine Tasse, gießen Sie sie zum Aufbrühen langsam in 100 ° C heißes kochendes Wasser und warten Sie 3-5 Minuten, bevor Sie sie trinken.
  • Wenn Chrysanthementee lange gezogen wird, kann etwas Chlorophyll darin eingeweicht werden, was zu Verfärbungen führt.
  • Wird es mit Leitungswasser aufgebrüht, reagieren die Metallionen im Wasser mit den Inhaltsstoffen der Chrysantheme, wodurch die Chrysantheme und die Teesuppe grün werden, und das Grün der Chrysantheme wird nach dem Aufenthalt im Wasser allmählich dunkler oder sogar blau Für eine lange Zeit.
  • Destillierte Wasserblasen ändern ihre Farbe im Grunde nicht, reine Wasserblasen sind blassgelb, relativ klar und werden nach langer Zeit gelbgrün.
  • Leitungswasser und Mineralwasser lassen sich am einfachsten verfärben und können auch dunkelgrün erzeugen.


Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Fragrant, beautiful and A LOT of it

I bought it 7 months ago and it is still very fragrant. I have been storing it in its original packaging, tightly closed, always making sure to push any extra air out before closing. And despite the fact that I frequently add it to my tea, there is still SO MUCH of it left. I brew loose leaf tea and add a pinch (1/6-1/2 of the flower head, depending on the goal) of this for each 3-4 cups at least once a week, and I think I only used a quarter of the bag. It's also very nice looking, it's very much a texture flower. The petals are very narrow, long, and flat, like thin crepe paper stripes. When I do run out of this one - I hope I'd be able to get this exact one again.

Very Pleased, I Just Ordered Another Batch

The quality of this tea is great! If it matters to you, I’d recommend inspecting and cleaning each flower before adding them to hot water. I first had this tea in China and I’m happy I could get it here in the US.

Rodney Long
Wonderful flavour and freshness

I'm really enjoying this tea. will make a full pot of tea. The flavour is strong and good both hot and iced.

Amazing quality

The quality of these were the best I've ever had. What a great company, I would buy anything from them because they seem to really care about their quality. The flavor was gorgeous. I sipped on this tea daily, and then before bed. I'm buying it again and again. The health benefits of this tea are plentiful. Research, you'll buy this again.

Whole flower!

The tea is quality. It has big pieces of dried flowers, even whole ones. I really enjoy the flavor. It reminds me of chamomile tea; I guess that makes since because they are from the same plant family. I am hoping for the health benefits of chrysanthemum.