Flower teapot set with glass jug, four glasses, and wooden tray.
Flower Teapot
Flower Teapot
Flower Teapot
Flower Teapot

Flower Teekanne Komplettset


Encounter a heart-warming tea container, taking a sip or two of light and elegant tea in the middle of a busy schedule; between touch and vision, clearly comprehend heaven, earth and people of nature and ingenuity.

Stil: Nachmittagstee-Set


Frequently Bought Together

Total price:$623.08
  • Material: Glas mit hohem Borosilikatgehalt und Holz
  • Herkunft: Chaozhou, Guangdong
  • Lieferumfang: 1 x Glaskrug, 4 x Gläser, 1 x Holztablett.
  • Wasserkocher aus Glas: 17,0 x 9,0 cm , Fassungsvermögen 750 ml.
  • Teetasse: 6,5 x 7,0 cm , Fassungsvermögen 125 ml.
  • Tablett: 34,8 x 18,7 x 1,8 cm