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Suede Absorbent Tea Towel

Material: Suede Size: 29.5cm x 12.0cm This series of Tea Towel uses upgraded water-absorbent long-pile material, which absorbs water quickly and is easy to care for. The front is delicate...
Imitation Song Dian Cha Ceremony Set undefined
7-teiliges Set inklusive Stofftasche, 8-teiliges Set inklusive Stofftasche, 10-teiliges Set inklusive Stoffbeutel, 19-teiliges Set

Imitationslied Dian Cha Set

Material: Keramik + Stein + Bambus + andere Herkunft: Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Beliebte Elemente: Retro 7-teiliges Set: Weißes Teepulver*1, Teepulverdose*1, Teelöffel*1, Teebesenständer*1, Teebesen*1, Temmoku-Schüssel aus Hasenfell*1, Stoffbeutel*1. 8-teiliges Set: Weißes Teepulver*1,...