What is washed tea?


01, washing dust?

At present, the production and processing of tea is basically in line with the demand for clean production for a small-scale processing plant. Even for relatively small-scale farmers or workshop, tea production process is basically able to do touching the ground.

"Dust" on tea, dust-like particles mainly tea and tea mmol formed in the production process, are not dust dirt.


02, wash pesticide residues?

As a beverage that is closely related to the daily lives of most Chinese people, the safety of tea has also received much attention. The quality of tea that is normally circulated in the market, its indicators, including indicators of pesticide residues and heavy metals, are naturally within the safety limits stipulated by national standards. Even if there is a small amount of pesticide residues in the tea, it is mainly fat-soluble, and the tea soup is safe.

Once the tea leaves are in contact with hot water, some substances dissolve in the water in a matter of seconds. First soaked out is a refreshing vitamin, umami amino acids and stimulating odor alkaloid. 

If we wash the tea too long, we will lose a lot of vitamins, amino acids, alkaloids and other nutrients in the tea soup!

So what exactly is "washing tea"?

According to research, the term "washing tea" began in the Northern Song Dynasty and has been used in tea drinking programs. It has been nearly 700 years old. "Chinese Tea Dictionary" for "tea wash" explained: "tea wash wash away the loose tea that is surface impurities, and can induce tea taste, tea aroma."

It can be seen that tea washing has two main functions:

First, it has the effect of washing away the dust particles on the surface of the tea;

The other layer means that the dried tea leaves are firstly heated and moistened by heat to form a germination state of the leaves, which is convenient for the dissolution of the taste substances, so that the tea aroma substances are better distributed.

What kind of tea needs to be washed?

As for which teas need to be washed, which teas do not need to be washed, let's take a look.

01, famous black tea, green tea do not need to wash

Famous green tea and black tea refer to higher quality and tenderer teas. These teas are relatively clean and not resistant to foaming compared to other grades of tea.

Delicate bud, its various leaching endoplasmic relatively fast in water, wash the tea lost a lot of nutrients, affect the taste of tea. So famous green tea and delicate black tea, tea wash is not recommended.

02, bulk red, green tea, oolong tea only need to be washed again

Usually drank oolong tea in general can be cleaned only once, at the same time, it can also achieve the purpose of waking up tea. It would be wasteful to wash it again and again.

03, dark tea, Pu'er tea should be washed more

Dark tea is pressed against tea, which is relatively tight compared to other teas, so black tea must be "washed" in order to fully awaken the tea and let the tea stretch. In addition, in order to remove some dust and impurities, dark tea should also be washed.

Notes wash the tea must know

When washing tea, the water temperature should not be too high, but it can be slightly lower than the brewing tea temperature.

Tea wash time to master, time not too long, otherwise the loss of nutrients too much, poor taste.

If the non-precious green tea black tea, oolong tea wash tea, immediately out of the soup, and black tea and Pu'er tea can be a little boring for a while, let the tea thoroughly stretched out and then soup.


The need to wash tea, can be determined according to a combination of factors Laonen, shape and degree of tight junction, the degree of rolling tea, fermented tea, the extent of the tea leaves and tea aroma water temperature suitable brew.


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